Thursday, September 10, 2009

Exercise 2 Exorcise (Robotic JOY? )

Learning/Research are Messy business!
Bounce Ideas Around

CHOICES / DECISIONS MisterDuncan 12min

If you want something done ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do. Lucille Ball

More HANDS ON Basketball vs Football

Craft vs Test Learning
Add Robotic Willpower
Hill Climbing Starts
Basic Hammer Start
Turn Ideas Over and Over
In Swing of Things

BRACE to ACE (Show Fast Forward craziness vs Slowness)
Eccentric 4 Interest

Exercise 2 Exorcise in Classroom BIKES

SOCCER Training Lesson4SchoolsNYTMYComment

Chaos 4 Perspective
Push - Pull FOCUS
Brace 2 Ace
Toying with Ideas
Mental Gym/Aesthetcs
Eye/Hand Cooordination

Split Inspire/Perspire
Marathon -  Effect)

Teachers Take Students for a Ride? What to Do?

(Minds stick at school, need some momentum)
Approach Threshold
Juggling Awareness
Crooked Man Practice
Animate or Vegetate
Mindful Movements

Juggling for Interest
Reinventing the Wheel?
Use JITTERS to Change
Turn Ideas Over & Over
Stiff Jerky Stress Twist
Brace to Ace Stress
Toys R Us to Sustain Interest
Motorvate to Pump UP

Genius: 99% Perspiration
Reach Resonant Thresholds
Get Handles 2 Learn
Keep Eye on the Ball
Zigzag Warmup for Progress

NUDGE-CRAFT for Small Motivation

Study Animation Up/Down
Bend but do not Break
Brace to Ace
Find Turning Points
Strain to Gain Mental Power
Sustain Logical Loops
Tap Pulse to Keep in Touch
Shifting Mental Gears
Stress Bounce-Relax
Work-Study Synergy
Balancing Engaged Mind
Like "treading water"
Chew Gum and Walk-Same Time
Beyond NY Subway Gyrations
Remembering Joe Francois
Shock Therapy with repetition

Shifting Mood Gyrations
Balance motivation and time
Turning Points for Change
Meditation Motor-vation
Reinventing Wheels
Spin-off Learning
Motor-vation Effort
Mix to Fix

Trace to Ace
for Urgency
Staying in Sync
Gadgets and Gimmicks
Tangible Results
Joke Number Joke
Gab-> Bag
Ideas in bag

Get Moving
Driven to Attraction
Circular Reasoning
Eccentric: Strange/Unique
Dynamic Tension' idea
Pendulum Energy
Pace to Ace
Beyond Impulse and Boredom
Toys R Us
Wasting Time to Make Time?

STAGING Stimulates Interest-Curiosity

Max Out
Best is enemy of good
Beyond Perpetual Motion Schooling/Politics
Transcending treadmill effects
Speed (galloping) Awareness states
Study Rhythm (Get Ball Rolling)
Ongoing Learning-Solitaire
Bias and Unbias (Dr.Rich)
Recycling Ideas

Small steps vs Big leaps
Winding and Upwinding
Waking the Mind (Motorvation)
All beginning are difficult - Changing Mindsets
Spinning (Meditation) Dynamo?
Reinventing the Wheel-Resonance
Defying Gravity -Helicopter Effect

Bend to Mend
Feedback Sensitivity
Finding Pivotal Ideas (I Got Rhythm)
Recycling Ideas and Energy
Diff strokes/Diff folks
'Standing on one foot', ready to move forward
Dynamic Tension - Resistance
Unwinding - Dizzy Spinning ?
You say you want revolution

Buttons Suggest Practicing / Counting

Activity centers concept
Journey 1000 mi-single step
Pivot/Orbit/Spiral Coherence
Reinventing the wheel
Mental Gymnastics/Esthetics
Grasping Ideas/Flexing for Change
From Restlessness to Restfulness
The Readiness is All

More Fanfare Needed (Longer-Shorter Way)

Art Smart Persistence
Lifting Everyone UP
Everyday Chutzpah
Fact / Fantasy Mix
Drifting Sense of Progress
UP & DOWN  Learning Quality
More Risk Taking
Not Cart Before Horse
Warm Up to Things in Time
Mind Over Matter
Repeat to Celebrate Learning
Out of Sight/Mind

Motivate with Backgroud Variety
Push Beyond Words
Build Repetition Momentum
Start as a Copy Cat

Knowledge is Power
Jumping Trains of Thought
Put Study Laziness to Work
Cartoon Characters for Change
Sticking Our Necks Out
Simulate to STimulate
Changing Rules for Sabotage
Power of 5min Lessons
2 Million min high

Don't Bite the Hand that Feeds You ADVICE
School a Sentimental Journey
Outside of peer-pressure, etc.
Traveling to school and mind travel time
Organized Students (Degrees of Freedom)
Changing Places with Students
All of School is a Stage
School as a closed and an open system
Simon Says
How could we succeed, how could we fail?
Editing the school experience
Thinking Outside the School Box
Teaching not Cheating

Think of other-3Ideas
Lighthouse/Ship Stubborn Tale

Music of the Mind (Sustain Moods JazzUP)

Tuning In and Tracking
Closed-Caption TV at Home
Beyond Superman Multi-mania
Try Wait for Patience
Super Sonics
Beginnings Difficult
KOPN experience
Adding a bounce!
Discovery Moments, forwards and backwards
Dare to be Dull
Good vibrations
KOPN music experience


I got Rhythm FRED4min

MAYBE Possibilities? (Best Enemy of Good)

Prevention Dynamics
Fuzzy Thinking Opens Minds
TEASE to Ease Flip
Take Calculated Risks
Style is Man Himself
Making Small Improvements
Drawing Lines in the Sand
Divide / Conquer (Deconstruct)
All beginings difficult / Clocking

Mapping Learning Experiences
Dances of Learning
Hocus Pocus - Focus Locus
Beyond Gate Keeping

Assumed consent approach with choices.
Remembering SUBWAY channels
Crossing the Red Sea channels


ASSUME a VIRTUE IF you have it not

Changing ROLES and SETTINGS for Different GOALS

More Hands On Learning (Silly not Stupid)

Teacher - Preacher
Agree to Disagree
F in EXAMS funny answers book
Schooling as Therapy
Celebrate Key Lessons
No Killjoy for Learning
Sustained Curiosity
Less Combat - More Sharing
Stop Attacking Problems
Beyond Fault Finding
Calculate Risk not Reckless
Not Sharing Credit Sux
Critical Thinking/After Math
No Paralysis by Analysis
Use Mental Gymnastics to MaxDeb
Salute Authority
Fine-Tune for Interest (Micro-Manage)

Inch x Inch
Beginnings Difficult
Ask Permit to Tweak/Control
Fussy Teasing
High touch
Perfect practice

Trivial pursuit
Shuffle the deck for sustaining interest
Details for concentration

NOISEY Consciousness Stimulates Interest to Learn

ART SMART Added Value 2 PAY / Value?
INOCENTE film Info from Producer

UNION CITY NJ School Success DKirp 4min

Union City Schools EDUTOPIA Story/ Video

DAVID KIRP Teaching not a Business NYT

INOCENTE ART Inspiration Film 40min

INOCENTE Kickstarter 4min


Jewish Child Soloist Music 6min

Funniest Kid Ever! StageFright 1min

Kids Who Beat AUTISM NYTMag

Excellent SHEEP new college book NYTimes

Cutting Gordian Knots and Red Tape

Not Stealing Ideas (ASK for FEE or Charity)

Become more honest
Silly but not Stupid
Easy but not Lazy
Beyond Voodoo Education
Building Self Image
Beyond Denial
Best Enemy of Good
Beyond the Critical Eye
Beyond Fear of Rejection
Seeing with the Mind's Eye
Surfacing like a dolphin's view
Overcoming mental blocks

Paying attention / a tension
From fear to attraction
Study beginnings with focusing
No study - low attention
Eye scan like computer mouse
I scan I can /on track

Eyes R Us
Saving Face (Transparency)
Nap to Tap?
Children's feelings recognized
Words from heart enter heart
Dad at candy store
Mind vs Brain

Wishing to Learn
Finding Your Voice
Sharing Attention
Good Luck factor Wishcraft - Hoping
Beyond Hide and Seek
Read: Resilience Lessons, NYTimes

Shyness - Building Resolve
Introverted and Extroverted Shyness
Loser to Winner
Building Security or Insecurity?
Murphy's Law

"I know no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power." --Thomas Jefferson to W. Jarvis, 1820. 

Help HomelessHopeless NYT

RAMIREZ Principal Problem at Monroe HS D&C 7/25
(Beyond being Sneeking/Tricky RestorativePractices?)

UNION CITY NJ School Success DKirp 4min

Union City Schools EDUTOPIA Story/ Video

DAVID KIRP Teaching not a Business NYT

INOCENTE ART Inspiration Film 40min

INOCENTE Kickstarter 4min


Jewish Child Soloist Music 6min

Funniest Kid Ever! StageFright 1min

Kids Who Beat AUTISM NYTMag

Holding onto real feelings

Packaging Motivation APPS (Student Blogs)

Turn NOs into KNOWs
Turning NOs to Knows
Tools for Schools
Tools - Rules - Fools
Beyond Mental Fatigue
Mental Gymnastics> Esthetics
CooperUnion: Engineering vs Art

Fatigue > Determination
Being on Same Page
Beyond Disorganization
More Processing Time
Sort out Study
Logic and Logistics
Beyond the world of books

Genius=Inspiration + Perspiration
Vert. stacking inhibits access/change/value
RAM (Human vs Computer access problem)
See Finland for long term teaching/breaks

Motivated by Possible Tipping Points
Always on your toes - Hillel's student
Sept 11 and Bush NCLB vs Simple Tests
Exercise (Inspiration + Perspiration)
Patience with exercising
Not taking learning effort lightly
Message Massage
Delegation (Simplicity and Effort)
Classroom Juggling and Beyond
Less is More (Memory Madness)

FIELDING RESPONSES / Not Force Fitting Results


Remembering to remember
Blog for permanent advice
Get Organized - Get Focused
Time to Sweat - Time to Relax
Teachers need to relax and delegate
Dynamic tension when studying.
Feeling the effort in learning
Raw Materials for Learning

Read: Race to Nowhere Film NYTimes