Thursday, November 5, 2009

Idea - Calendar (@ttitude @ptitude @ltitude)

History of Personal Idea 4 Interest?



Work Memory?
Hear All Ideas
When opinions>truth?
Keep Checking Back
Gratitude Noted
Food 4 Thought 4 Advice
YES vs NO Comments

THINK Work vs ACTION Work Values?


"Give me a fruitful ERROR anytime, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections."

CHOICES / DECISIONS 4FOCUS  MisterDuncan 12min

"The choices you make today and tomorrow will decide life's journey on the path you will follow. The choices you make like the throw of the dice will decide if your journey is unpleasant or nice." (MisterDuncan)

SORRY MisterDuncan #10 (see button)  8min

MONROE High School Debate D&C editorial 7/27

Learning Backwards and Forwards Using 2 Paths
He who HESITATES is Lost?

Use Students Handbooks/STARTER KITS 2 begin improving methods/attitudes

In education, what came first, the chicken or the egg?
Do you focus on fixing schools, or fixing learning?

Pivotal Learning
Better Comments 4 Ideas
Fill Thinking VOID
Dance of Learning

Try REFRAMING advice by asking people to pay for advice, in play-money (like paying a lawyer or doctor) Not do-it-yourself for advice?

Disturb-FOG/DistractingPeople! RETURNback (MrK-BTHS)

Mind Spring Release
Beyond Next-Next-Next
NUDGE-CRAFT 4 Animals / People2

No Paralysis x Analysis
Teachable Events Noted
Code-Switch to Engage
Think Work Needs Credit
Think about Thinking

Stop Trivializing Learning
Motivated by Search Loops
Study by Inch a Cinch
Silliness over Boredom
Beyond Regimentation
Beyond School Time Tunnel
Brace to Ace Learning
Elevator-Speech Time Warp?
Meta-Cognition Paths
Flip Think Order

Helen Keller learned to put signed letters together to form words. Similarly, we can put emotions together to create MOTIVATION and PURPOSE

“If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Einstein

Completer Lesson ideas
Motivate First - Not Last
Change Ordering BSEDER
Event-Driven Idea Framing
Review Question Directions
Mindspring  Release
Jazz Up Slow Learning in Depth
Brain Know How
More Speed Kills Learning
Mix Fix to Concentrate

Undo to Slow Thinking
Timing is not everything!
Second Guessing Time Added?
Remember My RadioBlankDaze
Learning Stage Progressions
Tracking and Linking
Beyond Tests & Checklists
Tennis, (thinking) anyone?


Ping-Pong Effect 4 Interest
Track Thinking Flow
Fast and Slow Passages
Find Best Mistake Lessons
Probe Deep for Interest

EASY as 1 - 2 - 3
Find Teachable Moments
Think Small - Think Big
Beyond Info-mania
Not Dicing Study Up
Trend - Bend - Mend
Divide/Conquer for Interest
Think Forwards/Backwards
Sound Bite+Comments
Learning On & Off

Monitor All Thinking
Not Cramming Separate Ideas
Do the Write Thing
Mind Map Tracing
Short and Long Answers
Attention Span - Edits
Beyond NO - IT- ALL
Mind Spring Motivation
Not Rammed Through
Link Resources to Think
Beyond Distractions
Room for every opinion
Stop editing out people

Word in Edgewise
Dec.7 Tricky split?

Move and Prove, both
S-O-S, creating clues, etc

Name the Game to Motivate

Know-it-all teachers do not inspire students
Using a NO to motivate KNOWing

Save Study Workmanship

Beyond "Toothpaste Effect"
(pushing lessons through)
Using Abstract Objects

Push - Pull Dynamics
Problematics for Meaning
Tension and Relaxation
Beyond Macho at School
Code-Switching Symbolism
Different Versions of Stories
Reverse Logic -Paradox
Foolish but not Stupid
When Push Comes to Shove

Prophet or Profit
Simon Says?
Not Invented Here?
Logic and Logistics
Permanent Results

Beep-Beep Flash-Flash Attention Grabbing
Separate Attention from the Message more

Symbols Stimulate Interest
ASK to Debate
Think Deeply
ADVICE4Advice 2 help Student/Teacher Orientation
Thinking of being in a AMAZE of CONFUSION

LONGER-SHORTER way to Personal Growth / Change
Maintaining an Open Mind
Debate but not Debase
Show Work
Need Resistance
No sound: One hand clapping
Need two hands, debate
Debate not Debase
Meeting of Minds

Do IDEAS 'Hold Water'/STICK?

Beginnings Difficult
Learn to yearn
Subtext for motivation?
Common sense not so common Voltaire
Communicate one-one not CC
Contrasting Values
Beyond Wrestling Control Freaks
Motivate learning with political push
Changing Minds in Simple Ways
Who is in the Dog House, now?

Control vs Effort
Hold back to build interest
Making an Impact Now
Dealing with Peer Pressure
Reaching Thresholds
Mediation Note
Just say: K (NO) W
Start with a NO to learn
Explosive personalities
Study spin awareness
Dizzy, confusion, disorientation
Desensitization, adaptation to thinking, sorting out

Beyond Getting Things Done

Learning is unending, but we can begin JFK.

Study encyclopedia possible

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars (Wilde)
Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted (Einstein) :

"Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, teach gym". WAllen
"He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches". GBS

BILLS win Detroit (WINNERS & LOSERS All)
Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach
And those that can't teach teach teachers.
Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
Those who can't teach, administrate.

If you can't work, then teach.
If you can't teach, then administrate.
If you can't administrate, then legislate.
If you can't legislate, then litigate.

Those who can, do
Those who can't, teach
Those who can't teach, write about those that do and teach.

Read: Science of Mind NYTimes
Hear: Gift2BSimpleBells

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